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Our certified arborist Round Rock will be happy to visit your property, and suggest effective approaches to minimize fire danger in your area.
There are so many reasons to prioritize consistent tree care. Normally, we think of tree pruning as a maintenance intended to ensure the health and safety of your trees and property, and that’d be right. Regular tree care and maintenance yields many benefits that can prolong the life of a tree by enabling strong tree structure and growth while minimizing risk due to dead or weak branches. But did you know that tree pruning can be closely associated with fire safety? Denying your trees regular pruning or care increases the potential for the spread of fire due to low lying branches, dead branches and foliage, which can fuel a wildfire. Yup! You’ve read that right. A dying tree can be a fire hazard and should be removed immediately. Our experienced arborists can help you identify and address potential hazards by:
Why delay when you could start today? Call us and our certified arborist Round Rock will be happy to visit your property, and suggest effective approaches to minimize fire danger in your area.
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